
CNN fashion interview online with designer, Bibhu Mohapatra



Thank you

A quick note of Gratitude.

I would like to thank all the many people who have been so supportive of my work these last years.

I especially would like to thank the folks below who made it possible to create
and present the debut fall 2009 Bibhu Mohapatra Capsule Collection this last February.

Without these people, it would never have happened..

Jennifer Manko, my right and left hand, who gives up nights and weekends for my projects way too often..she is why it works.

Lauren Santo Domingo, who helped me see that I could in fact do this many years ago and helped us figure out the styling of the this show.

Alexa Rodulfo, who donated an entire day to the amazing Hair and Makeup

David Kelly, who designed and organizied the sets and the concept for the presentation

Isabelle Lirakis, who created the finishing touch to the designs, the hats!

Gabriel Levy, who spent hours putting together the sounds for the event

Laura Henson, who seems to know every editor in town for some rocking PR

Aslaug Magnusdottir, has all the marketing angles...and has been very supportive always

Peter Arnold, whose even handed guidance I could not do without, in all things fashion

Bobby Beard, who knows how to push, in the nicest way...

Jaime Gubbins, who helped pull it together from his many corners of the world

Steven Harris, has the eye and mind of a master

Lucian Rees Roberts, quiet charm, enthusiasm, and always ready to help

Additionally these kind folks below made it happen for various reasons:

Richard Alexander Beard III & IV

Allison Beard Luzier

Thomas Luzier

Hamish Bowles

Francisco Bustamante

Lillian Beard

Sarita Mohapatra

Bijoy Mohapatra

Venu Meynu





Junio Abraham

JPMorgan Chase

Rutgers Church

The Bryant Park Hotel

Ted Eames

Mike Frankfurt

Michael Williams

I was blessed with the most amazing studio and workroom team.
They understood exactly what I was trying to do with this collection.
I am especially flattered they wanted to follow me from my last job.

I wish I could have them with me all the time::

Mr. T, Elisa Whang, Maria Robla, Rebeca Mendoza, Tara Allport, James, Vaughn, Shufan, Le, Jose, Inge, Jane, Narciza, Grace, Irina, Fong, Ching Chin, Laura, and Regine.

In addition, and most importantly, I would like to thank all of my various private clients, who continue to put so much trust in my work, and are happy to collaborate with me on their special gowns, coats, and suits. In fact you are the main ongoing source of support for this project. Your projects feed my soul.

I would also like to say "thank you" to the many and various editors, writers, bloggers who have shown so much support and enthusiasm for this collection. You make this industry function.

Lastly, I want to thank all the wonderful buyers, from all over the world, who came to the presentation or to the "out of the way" up town studio at 73rd street, to see the clothes, knowing full well that they had no budget to buy this season. But they made the effort any way. Your enthusiasm and excitement made it all worth while. And hopefully the budgets will improve by the time the Bibhu Mohapatra Spring 2010 Collection is presented In September 2009.

It is an amazing thing to see one's dreams come to life.

Thank you all


Hillary Swank in Bibhu Mohapatra

Hillary Swank in Bibhu Mohapatra
on way to Late show in New York


in the studio

Bibhu Mohapatra fall 2009 Presentation